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2016 Transportation Design Build Combination Back
Closing Information
Moving on to RFP stage:
Eurovia BC/McElhanney Engineering;
Jakes Construction/ISL Engineering;
Emil Anderson Construction/Urban Sytems.
Bid Information

The City of Chilliwack (City) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EIs) from qualified Proponents to develop, design and construct the “2016 TRANSPORTATION DESIGN-BUILD COMBINATION” (the “Project”).

October 19, 2016 3:00 PM


Kevin Pollard
Supervisor - Transportation and Drainage
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
RFEI - Transportation Design-Build Combination Project RFEI Adobe Acrobat 2,663KB
Addendum 1 Addendum Adobe Acrobat 145KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.