Bid / Tenders

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Tender 2011-09 Light Trucks and Heavy Equipment Back
Closing Information
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: Metro Motors
Notes: Item B -$35,800.00
Item C - $72,000.00
Bidder: Chilliwack Ford Sales
Bid Value: $113,652.00
Notes: Awarded Item A
Bid Information

The work consists of the supply and delivery of 6 (six) 1/4 ton x 4 x extended cab pickups and 3 (three) 4 x 4 8,845 kg's GVWR cab and chassis.

Technical inquiries can be directed to Mr. Jack Ashworth, Mechanic Foreman by calling 604-793-2814. 


May 11, 2011 3:00 PM
Jack Ashworth
Mechanic Foreman
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
Tender 2011-09 Light Trucks and Heavy Equipment Tender Adobe Acrobat 142KB
Tender Opening May 11, 2011 Attachments Adobe Acrobat 37KB
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